Tag Archives: Complete/Close Work Orders

Version 4.2 Features – Week 3 of 3


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New Complete/Close Options

In this third post in the series highlighting the features included in the 4.2 Release, we will discuss the new ability to customize the Complete/Close Dialog. Customers can now determine what sections of the dialog should display to users, identify required entry and specify sort order. The Complete/Close Dialog can also now be configured to allow entry of Actual Labor, Material Usage and Miscellaneous Costs, allowing work orders to be closed out without having to first update “Actuals” on the Costs Tab.

To define the appearance and behavior of the Complete/Close Dialog, a new set of preferences are available. In addition to defining field inclusion and placement, you can specify fields that must be entered by the user (required fields). In the following example, the preferences are set to show “Actual Labor, Parts and Miscellaneous Costs” in the right column (2). They are specified as the 4th, 5th, and 6th items to display in the column, respectively. Directly below the settings for the actual costs, some preferences to designate fields as “required” entry are shown.

Additional preferences are available to determine if sections for assignments, labor report, failure analysis, meter readings and actions should be displayed. These new settings give you considerable control over the functionality and appearance of the Complete/Close Dialog, allowing the feature to more closely mirror your business process.

Note: Since many customers will not have a need to modify their current process, this new feature was not enabled “by default” with the upgrade. In order to use the new feature, hosted customers must contact Maintenance Connection Support. Support will arrange to have the feature enabled, populating your system with the new preferences that are used to customize the dialog.  Onsite customers will have an option to install this new feature included with their upgrade scripts.